This is stop #2 on my 10 day wheeling trip. Also check out stop #1, Jellico, TN.
Bruce Lewis also has a good writeup of this Tellico trip
Tellico, NC 5/30-6/3Second stop was Tellico, NC for the 3rd annual East Coast Bronco Roundup put on by the ECBR. I got to the camp ground at Tellico and there was nobody else there but some church group. I was the first Bronco there. Wednesday : I got up and found another Bronco had showed up so I talked to him for awhile. Then I hooked up my TV to the cable at the campsite and watched TV to pass the time. Another Bronco guy, Scott Schlapman came over and we started talking and he wanted to hit the trail, so we headed up the mountain. We went down trail 1 to trail 6, then to trail 7. Trail 7 was a 'most difficult' trail for one little rock formation that was tough. I tried for a while but couldn't find the right line so I winched up it. After winching I realized my power steering was out again. This time it never came back. I'll be doing the saginaw pump conversion very soon! We walked down to Slickrock so I could see it, then we headed out trail 4. There was one optional ledge on trail 4 that I tried. The first few times I tried it I would get in a steep angle and my transmission just let loose and I rolled backward. Someone suggested checking the transmission fluid. I added a quart then climbed the obstacle with no problem. On the drive back to camp I realized I would be doing no more trailrides without powersteering.. my arms hurt! We got back to camp and I saw that Jim Howell and family had showed up.
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![]() 47-Marc on 7 |
![]() 48-Scott on 7 |
![]() 49-Marc on 7 |
![]() 50-Marc on 7 |
![]() 51-Marc on 7 |
![]() 52-Slickrock |
![]() 53-Ledge on 4 |
![]() 54-Marc on Ledge |
55-Scott on Ledge |
56-OX Locker |
57-OX Locker |
58-OX Locker |
59-PU Steering |
60-PU Steering |
61-DuffLongArm |
62-DuffLongArm |
63-DuffLongArm |
64-Mark's POS |
Thursday : I got up early because it had started pouring. I ran down to Walmart and bought a tarp to put over my test so the water wouldn't seep in. The rain finally let up mid-morning. I rode along with Scott in his Bronco on a trailride along with Jim H. and his family and a bunch of others that had showed up. We went down 1, up 5, over 4, over 3, up 12 (schoolbus), then down 11 (helicopter pad and guardrail). Jim was having trouble with his new rear 4 link eating bushings and we stopped a couple times for that. School bus was a pretty hard core trail but was fun. Mark Shainman rolled his POS bronco (now sporting florescent green spray paint) one and a half times. We then went down guardrail, which was real fun. Each person winched the guy ahead of him down guardrail and Scott was last and winched himself down backward. We got to camp and there was tons of bronco around.
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64-Pay Area |
65-Jim Howell |
66-Jim Howell |
67-Down on 5 |
68-School Bus |
![]() 69-Alan Soutter |
![]() 70-Brian Keeler |
![]() 71-Ken Messer |
![]() 72-ScottSchlapman |
![]() 73-Jim Howell |
74-Mark Shainman |
75-Ledge |
76-Ledge |
77-Lou Levy |
78-Mark's Damage |
79-Jim Howell |
80-Jim Howell |
81-RolloverSite |
81-Marks Roll |
81-Marks Roll |
81-Marks Roll |
81-Marks Roll |
82-RollDamage |
83-RollDamage |
84-Scott HeliPad |
![]() 85-Scott HeliPad |
86-Scott HeliPad |
87-Scott HeliPad |
![]() 88-Down Gaurdrail |
![]() 89-Down Gaurdrail |
![]() 90-Down Gaurdrail |
Video of Scott Schlapman making it up Helicopter pad. WARNING 16.7 meg file! Running time 2:40 Friday : I went up to the lower part of trail 2 (the toughest section at Tellico) to help Jim and Scott with the rock challenge. I ended up judging one of the sections. That was real fun. It was pouring rain most of the time and I had the longest section of the course. I had to run up and down the hill for every Bronco competing (about 15 - 20 of them). I fell on my rear several times. A few people (like Russell Crew with his 44" super swampers) went up the hill so quick I couldn't keep up with them. The rock challenge was a huge success. There must have been 100 observers even though it was pouring rain and very Muddy. Friday night was the ramp event. After a couple Broncos ramped the rains came and we were treated to a pretty good rainbow afterward. Later fellow BroncOhio member Scott Wagner showed up with his uncle Lee and his seriously built f250 powerstroke.
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90-Russel Crew |
90-Brian Keeler |
91-Rock Chllange |
92-Rock Chllange |
93-Rock Chllange |
94-Roy's 65 Bronco |
95-Roy's 65 Bronco |
96-Bumper Sticker |
97-BBrooks |
98-Airbags |
99-Ram Steering |
100-Custom links |
101-Bug |
102-Plain Dash |
103-FishingBumpr |
104-Registration |
105-Cage |
106-Ringos |
107-BBrooks |
107-Jim Howell |
107-Jim Howell |
107-Jim Howell |
107-Jim Howell |
108-Rainbow |
109-Eeyore Bronco |
110-Lee's F250 |
Saturday : I got up and looked at the schedule to see what time they were doing the group photo, then realized, Hey.. that's right now! So I rushed over to the parking lot where they were having it and got in it, but I was pretty far back and will be lucky if you can make in out in the picture. I'll have to wait for the official photo to come out because they had one guy take it from the top of a ladder and I couldn't take my own picture. There was a guy from Four Wheeler magazine that also took a picture. Hopefully there will be an article on it. They said there were about 105 early Broncos in the photo. I ended up haning around camp most of the day. That night there was a cookout and prize drawing. Jim's girl, Olivia was drawing the prize tickets and she took a long time to pick mine, but I'll just blame Jim for that :-) I ended up getting a $150 gift certificate for custom vinyl graphics at Performance Unlimited and a rock crawling video. I figure I'll get some BroncOhio stickers made or see if Randall Thomas will let me use it for a new track bar or something.
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111-Group Photo |
112-Group Photo |
113-Group Photo |
114-Group Photo |
115-Group Photo |
116-Marc Ramp |
117-Marc Ramp |
118-Marc Ramp |
119-Marc Ramp |
120-Marc Ramp |
121-Alex Howell |
121-Olivia Howell |
122-Chairmobile |
123-Chairmobile |
124-Ford Pickup |
125-BC ShockMnt |
126-Excursion |
127-Support |
128-Prize Table |
129-Prize Table |
Saturday : Had a long, but uneventful drive home following Scott Wagner. Now I just have to finish reading my 1073 email! |
Page by Marc Reiter - last modified 06/17/01
©2002 copyright BroncOhio Early Bronco Club.