When you add a front roll cage
to your Early Bronco your glovebox door is blocked by the roll cage and
the glovebox becomes useless.
The way to fix this is to modify
the hinge so the door can be slid over to clear the rollcage.
Start by removing the 4 screws
on the bottom of the dash. You may need to get to other side to hold
the nuts while removing the screws. Once you have it loose, you can
unscrew the 4 screws holding the hinges to the door.
Use a hacksaw to cut the rod
in the hinges and remove it. The springs can also be removed, they
will not be reused.
Cut off the left side hinge
pivot from the upper hinges according to the diagram below. In order
for the hinge to clear a part of the dashboard, a notch must be cut out
of the right upper hinge (see diagram). I needed to be able to slide
my door over a little more, so I also cut out most of the other hinge pivot
in the upper hinge (see pictures below).
Once you have done all your
trimming, it's time to put things back togather. A single rod will
replace to two hinge pins you cut out. I found that a threaded rod
about 1/8" fit tightly in the lower half of the hinge, but fit loose in
the upper part of the hinge and would let it slide back and forth.
With the upper hinges attached to the door and the lower hinges held in
place by hand, I twisted the threaded rod into place and cut the extra
off. I found it held strong enough that it doesn't need anything
to secure the ends.
Bolt the lower hinges back into
place and you're finished. The door can now be popped open, slid
over and lowered and clear the roll cage.
